- 150 Students
- 51 Teachers
- 1:3 Teacher-student ratio
- 100% Of our faculty members are WRS Level I Certified or in the process of becoming WRS Level I Certified
- 5 Wilson® Credentialed Trainers on staff
- 21 Of our faculty members are WRS Level I and Level II Trained
- 6 Of our faculty members are WRS Level II Certified
- 1978 Churchill's founding year
- 50 Zip codes represented in our student population
- 300 Students served by Churchill each year through day school, summer school and tutoring
We work with children who have been diagnosed with:
Our Mission at Churchill Center & School is to give high potential children with learning disabilities the finest, individualized, remedial education and the support they need to achieve success and return to a traditional classroom... And to foster greater understanding and support for all people with learning disabilities by training other educators, supporting our families and enlightening the community.
Our Accreditations Include:
- The Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS)
- Wilson® Accredited Partner
We are members of:
- The Association of LD Schools (ALDS) – Founding School Member
- The Learning Disabilities Association of America
- The National Association for Independent Schools
- The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- International Dyslexia Association®
- The Independent Schools of St. Louis
As a Wilson® Accredited Partner, Churchill provides research-based reading, writing, and spelling instruction for students who have been unable to learn to read and spell with other teaching strategies.
Our highly-skilled teachers are recognized leaders in their field, both locally and nationally.

- Churchill incorporates as a not-for-profit school1977
- Churchill begins holding summer sessions1978
- Board of Trustees votes to open a year-round school, continuing the summer sessions and adding a nine-month program September through May1980
- After operating in a leased space for four years, the school moves to its own building in Ladue, Missouri1984
- Churchill implements its Community Outreach Program to address the lack of knowledge about learning disabilities in the community1990
- Churchill School becomes Churchill Center & School2004
- Churchill moves to its current location in Town & Country, Missouri2007
- Churchill becomes a Wilson® Accredited Partner2012